
Claudia is an educator committed to collaborative learning who started developing her teaching experience in several schools in Mexico. As a Native Spanish speaker, she easily engages students, colleagues, families, and friends into a Hispanic cultural atmosphere during and outside the classrooms.

Her IT background becomes a great plus when it comes to teaching. She gets to find all possible ways to help students grasp ideas, concepts and idiomatic expressions ensuring no barrier stands up front during her students learning process.

Claudia has dedicated herself to becoming a life-long educator and learner. In fact, she is currently enrolled in an Advance Italian program where she keeps analyzing ways to connect grammar with other Romance Languages. Best of all, this has happened to be a fresh fuel instilling a similar passion in all students she gets to have.

In her downtime, she and her whole family enjoy walking outdoors; but mostly, rearing butterflies and moths at home! Their new butterfly-friendly garden, she says, depicts care for nature and hope for the world.