Making Resolutions: The Age Old Tradition
It is that time of the year. No matter what religion (if any) we practice, most of us will gather with friends and family to celebrate the Holidays. For thousands of years, humanity has been passing generation to generation the tradition of making New Year’s resolutions as they plan for the year to come. From the Babylonians to the 21st century, both men and women have always possessed a drive to reflect upon our self-improvement every year. Here at CCLS Houston, it is our commitment to help you on your personal journey in 2015.
Making resolutions on New Year's is as old as the holiday itself. Four thousand years ago, the Babylonians made promises to their gods at the end of each year-- which for them was in March, the beginning of Spring. This was done in hopes the gods would reward them for their efforts with times of abundance in the year to come. History recalls that the Romans held a similar tradition in their time. They made their promises to the god Janus, after whom the month of January was named. In the Middle Ages, the knights reaffirmed their loyalty to chivalry for the next 12 months, after the Christmas celebrations. This was known as the knight’s “peacock vow.”
In Modern Times, we have not lost the desire to start anew each year. Today, New Year’s resolutions can be related to our well-being, such as losing weight, stop smoking, diminish stress, travel more, and discover new cultures. They are also popularly related to improving our finances, careers, and education. Make more money, get ahead in the workplace, and learn foreign languages are often goals we set for ourselves in the search of self-improvement. Setting goals for the coming year is all good, but following through is often easier said than done.
It is common knowledge that most of us do not succeed in following through with our New Year resolutions. Experts say that those of us who have some kind of a support system, where attainable milestones are incrementally set, are much more likely to stick to our goals. CCLS Houston provides such an environment, which sets you up for success from the start!
We work in the area of foreign language acquisition and improvement with a focus on Portuguese, Spanish, and English. Our unique program has been supporting people in achieving their goals of getting ahead in their careers for over a decade, broadening their horizons, and thus opening up opportunities for personal and financial growth. We offer flexible hours as well, where we come to you, you come to us, or we meet in cyberspace.
Allow yourself be touched by new cultures and experiences through our exciting and dynamic stepwise language program, customized to your learning needs. Visit us at www.cclshouston.com and learn about other services we offer, such as business development, accent reduction, and translation.